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General Rules for "Gamers of Winter Convention 2010".

Current Revision 23 February, 2009.
Please check this page for changes to posted rules prior to attending convention.
Entry onto the grounds and/or receipt of convention badge constitutes an acknowledgement of the following rules and willingness to abide by them.
  1. Badges: Yes, you need your badge. This lets people who don't know you see that you're supposed to be there. Badge Purchase is final and no reimbursements will be made for non-attendance after the convention has started. If you lose of your badge full price for the remainder of the weekend is required for a new badge. If we find a missing badge in use by another attendee we may, dependent upon circumstances, remove one or both attendees. Reimbursements for paid events may be made only if the event is cancelled on a case by case basis.

  2. Weapons: No real weapons will be allowed on the event grounds except as allowed for by management. If you have any special needs regarding this rule contact management prior to the event. This includes not allowing "Peace Bonded" weapons for costumes etc.

  3. Event Content: Events will not contain real direct violent contact in any form for GoWC 2009. Next year may be different based on location and listed events. Interpersonal violence, real or threatened will be grounds for ejection and barring without any reimbursement from the event.

  4. Personal Conduct: If your conduct is otherwise unduly disturbing to other attendees management reserves the right to revoke your attendance privileges and remove you directly and immediately from the premises by any means necessary. Subsequent to being ejected you may also be barred from returning to the event. No reimbursements whatsoever will be given for anyone ejected from the event.

  5. Insurance and Other Liability Issues: PCP assumes no responsibility for any form of injury or monetary/personal loss etc incurred through attendance. You assume personal responsibility for yourself, your personal belongings and your health while entering, attending and exiting the event.

  6. SMOKING: The nearest smoking area is outside the building anywhere at least 10 feet away from any entrance.

  7. Alcohol and other intoxicants: Alcohol and most other physical intoxicants, both legal and otherwise are not allowed on Convention grounds. Attendees who are both visibly intoxicated and possibly a hazard to themselves or other attendees will be ejected from the event.

  8. Gambling: Side betting and wagering in all forms on any event are not allowed on Convention grounds. To comply with Commonwealth Statutes regarding Poker, all Poker events are held as Charity events and no cash payout will be awarded for the Poker events by PCP.

  9. Kids: Children under 16 MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for the duration they are on Church grounds. Period. Revocation of badge/attendance privileges without compensation is possible if the management finds someone under 16 without proper supervision. The parent or attending legal guardian is responsible for their children and their actions while attending.