Capital City Jedi Knights!
- Capital City Jedi Knights were in attendance! Lightsaber Demos and information all weekend.
Dungeons and Dragons 4.0
- Saturday, Noon-4:30PM, Living Forgotten Realms, Modules for levels 1-4 and some 4-7, GM: MaryAlyce Rensa
- Saturday, 6:00PM-10:30PM, Living Forgotten Realms, Modules for levels 1-4 and some 4-7, GM: MaryAlyce Rensa
- Sunday, Noon-4:30PM, Living Forgotten Realms, Modules for levels 1-4 and some 4-7, GM: MaryAlyce Rensa
- Sunday, 6:00PM-10:30PM, Living Forgotten Realms, Modules for levels 1-4 and some 4-7, GM: MaryAlyce Rensa
- DM's wanted! Materials available for multiple DMs for Forgotten Living Realms! More details TBA as we get closer to convention time.
Modules available for this event:
Heroic 1 Levels 1-4
Drag 2-2 This Gathering Storm
AGLA 1-1 Lost Temple of the Fey Gods
AKAN 1-1 The Rotting Ruins of Galain
Tymr 2-1 Old Enemies Arise
Core 1-2 The Radiant Vessel of Thesk
Luru 1-1 Slivers of Eaerlainn
Corm 2-1 For Crown and Kingdom
Bald 1-4 Silent Streets and Vanished Souls
Moon 1-1 Nature's Wrath
Core 1-1 Inheritance
Bald 1-1 Flames of Initiation
Drag 1-1 Many Hands Make Light Work
East 1-4 Darkness in Delzimmer
Corm 1-7 Patronage and Pestilence
WATE 1-5 Lost in the Fog
Impi 1-1 Alone
East 1-1 T hese Hallowed Halls
Tymr 1-1 Elder Wisdom
Wate 1-1 Heirloom
SPEC 1-1 Shades of the Zhentarim
Heroic 2 Levels 4-7
Moon 2-1 Darkness Falls over Moray
MYRE 1-2 The Talons of Delzimmer
East 2-1 Ends and Means
4-7 level Modules
AGLA 1-2 At the Foot of the Lighthouse
LURU 1-6 Desparate Times
Luru 2-4 Need to Know
Heroic Levels 1-10 mods
Elt 3-1 Good Intentions
Elt 3-1 Blue Wounds
Star Wars Miniatures
- Time TBA, GM Ed Peters.
Smallworld Underground
- Sunday 1:00PM-2:30PM, GM Charles Brubaker from That Game Place.

Looney Labs Seven Dragons
- Sunday, 3:00PM until about 3:45PM, Charles Brubaker from That Game Place.
- Sunday 4:00PM to 5:00PM, GM Jasmine Novak from That Game Place.
OG: the Caveman Roleplaying Game
- Saturday, Time 7:00PM GM Ashley!
- Sunday, Time 4:00PM, GM Charles Brubaker from That Game Place. A fun roleplaying game that proves cavemen (and caveladies) can (theoretically) survive as people of few words and lots of action.
Pathfinder RPG
- Saturday 10:00AM, for levels 1 through 5, GM Joe Krull.
- Sunday 1:00PM, GM Jasmine Novak from That Game Place.
Star Fleet Universe
- Saturday 10:00AM Federation Commander Demo, GM Paul Franz.
- Saturday 11:00AM Federation Commander Demo, GM Paul Franz.
- Saturday 4:00PM Federation Commander Scenario: Orion Roulette, GM Paul Franz.
- Saturday 6:00PM Federation Commander Demo, GM Paul Franz.
- Saturday 8:00PM Federation Commander Demo, GM Paul Franz.
- Sunday 11:00AM Federation Commander Demo, GM Paul Franz.
- Sunday Noon Federation Commander Demo, GM Paul Franz.
- Sunday 2:00PM Federation Commander Demo, GM Paul Franz.
- Sunday 4:00PM Federation Commander Scenario: Mercy or Death, GM Paul Franz.
- Sunday 6:00PM Federation Commander Demo, GM Paul Franz.

- Munchkins (alternate versions available) Card Game GM: Erica Strang, details TBA.
Magic the Gathering!
- Tournament, Saturday July 23, start time HIGH NOON!, GM Ken Hogentogler sponsored from The Adventurer's Guild. There will be a fee for entry into this event.
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot
- Saturday, Time TBA, GM Ed Peters. If you have a copy of the game feel free to bring it for pick up games.
Looney Labs with Tim
- A bunch of fun and very "different" games, time -throughout the convention GM -Tim Eller.
- Noon, Saturday and Sunday, GM Barry Kirk. Classic boardgame! Up to 6 players per game.
- Pre-registered players - 7 for Saturday, 4 for Sunday. Note: If we have an extra set we can run multiple games/pick up games as wel.
- 5:00PM Saturday, Talisman, 3-8 Players, GM Eric Bluntzer
- With 7-8 players a modified movement system will be used.
Risk 2100
- Noon Sunday, Risk 2100, 3-5 Players, GM Eric Bluntzer
Soldier King

A few other images