Dungeons and Dragons

Greyhawk Reborn! For more details click through on the graphic to the page for this event!
Coordinator and GM - Dave Guerrieri!
Magic the Gathering!!!
Talisman: The Howling
- Saturday 10:00AM-4:00PM, GM Eric Bluntzer
- The Blood Moon Werewolf ending will be used along with the Dungeon and Highland expansions. The Sacred Pool expansion will not be used (no war horses or warlock quests). A rotating spinner will be used to track whose turn it is, with players on opposite sides of the table moving simultaneously. This is being done to allow a larger table and increase speed of play.
Fairy Meat: Gang War
- Sunday 10:00AM-2:00PM, GM Eric Bluntzer
The Andersons vs. The Bowies. Sides exist, but who you kill is your own durn problem. Victory to The Fat!
Ground troops will not be allowed, the ritual to summon Tentacle Rat will not occur until this winter. You may field a cookie as a ground troop, but only if the referee eats it, which may impact its viability as a combat unit. Players who ate at lead one yummy fairy last winter may pick up their pink slips to paint.
Paranoia: This Game is not Fun!
- Friday, 2:00PM, GM Eric Bluntzer
- Warning, this is not your typical role playing game. It is not what most people mean when they use the word 'Fun'. I do not guarantee you will enjoy the game, or even understand what is going on. Some may suspect The Computer doesn't understand what is going on, however they would be traitors and are therefore already dead.
- Players registered for this event: 2
Star Wars RPG "Edge of Empire"
- Sunday, Noon-3:00PM(ish) AND 4:00PM-7:00PM(ish), GM Charlie from "That Game Place"!
Android Netrunner
- Sunday, Noon, LCG, GM Jasmine from "That Game Place"!
Memoir '44
- Sunday 4:00PM-7:00PM(ish), Boardgame WWII, GM Jasmine form "That Game Place".
X-Wing Tournament
- Details TBA! Most likely Sunday based on interest/signups.
Dessert Contest!!!
- No entry fee.
- Gift Certificate for the winner, num nums for everyone! Winner receives a certificate for paid entry to either Gamers of Summer 2013 or Gamers of Winter 2014!
- Time: Saturday, July 13th 6:00PM .
General Rules:
1. Submit your entry any time Saturday prior to Judgement Time at 6:00PM Saturday, July 13th.
2. Entry should be shareable among more than five persons to allow for sampling by Judges and feeding hungry gamers later...
3. Notify us with a card attached/next to the entry for contents of the that might be allergy stuff like peanuts etc.
4 Refrigeration NOT provided.
5. AFTER judging is complete entries are shared with hungry gamers...
6. Judges will be recruited from non-participants during the day Saturday. Volunteering to be a Judge for this contest does not count as "volunteer time"...
7. Anything not covered under these rules falls under the discretion of the convention and appointed Judges.
Costume Contest
- No entry fee.
- Gift Certificate for the winner! Best in Show Winner receives a certificate for paid entry to either Gamers of Summer 2014 or Gamers of Winter 2014!
- Time: Saturday, July 13th 7:00PM.
General Rules:
1. Categories: Best Fantasy, Best Science Fiction, Best Historic, Best "other" and Best in Show.
2. Costumes should be G to PG-13(ish) in potential rating.
3. Replica only weapons allowed in for the Judging phase.
4. Most categories will be awarded both Saturday and Sunday based on participation.
5. Best in Show will be awarded to one participant from either Day after both days are complete. Best in Show will be from the winners of any of the participating categories.
6. Anything not covered under these rules falls under the discretion of the convention and the appointed Judge.
7. At least 10 separate entrants must signup prior to the event.
OG, the Caveman Roleplaying Game
- Details TBA, if we have a large group it will be split into two separate games.
Star Fleet Universe
GM Paul Franz
- 10:00am Fed Com Demo
- 11:00am Star Fleet Marines Demo
- 4:00pm Fed Com Scenario: Orion Roulette
- 6:00pm Starmada Demo
- 8:00pm Star Fleet Marines Demo
- 11:00am Fed Com Demo
- 12:00pm Starmada Demo
- 2:00pm Star Fleet Marines Demo
- 4:00pm Fed Com Scenario: Mercy Or Death
- 6:00pm Fed Com Demo
Steve Jackson Games!
- Friday, 3:00PM-7:00PM, SJG demos including Munchkin, Illuminati, Frag, Revolution and Nanuk. GM Ryan Dusharm
- Saturday, 10:00AM-5:00PM, SJG demos including Munchkin, Illuminati, Frag, Revolution and Nanuk. GM Ryan Dusharm
- Munchkin Tournament, details TBA.
Demo Games by Tap'N'Attack
Saturday, all day:
- Ugg-Tect - 4 Players
- Ascension - 4 Players
- Magic the Gathering (see the Magic the Gathering Page for tournaments/other events)
- Pitch Car
Sunday, all day:
- Red Dragon Inn
- Cosmic Encounters
- Magic the Gathering (see the Magic the Gathering Page for tournaments/other events)
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot
- Friday 10:00AM, GM John Kanost
- Players registered for this event: 2
Sentinels of the Multiverse
- Friday 3:00PM, GM John Kanost
- Sunday 10:00AM, Boardgame, GM John Kanost
- Pickup games potentially available throughout the as multiple sets may be on hand. Just saying...
Toc Toc Woodman
- Details TBA.
- Details TBA, GM Barry Kirk. Possible pick up games throughout the weekend.
Puerto Rico
- Details TBA, GM Barry Kirk. Possible pick up games throughout the weekend.
- Details TBA, GM Barry Kirk. Possible pick up games throughout the weekend.
Settlers of Cataan, Star Trek Edition
- Details TBA, GM Erica Strang.
- Details TBA, GM Erica Strang.
- Details TBA, GM Erica Strang.
- Details TBA, Fun classic card game from before any living person attending the convention was likely born...
A House Divided
- North versus South in this easy to pickup and fun boardgame.
- Available on signup throughout the convention, 2 players, GM Doug Howard.
Star Trek vs. Star Wars
- Judge Erica Strang
- Time, Rules etc TBA
Pathfinder RPG
A gaggle of goblin heroes seek revenge on Old Man MacDonald, a local knight.
12 or under must be accompanied by an adult(playing or non-playing).
Instead of experience points, dice will be awarded for good and not so good roleplaying.
- Session One, Saturday, July 13, 10:00AM-1:45PM, 4 to 6 players, GM Brett W. Stoner
- Session Two, Saturday, July 13, 2:00PM-5:45PM, 4 to 6 players, GM Brett W. Stoner
Frugal Mule Games/Packet Games Demos
- Friday, 7:00PM-Midnight.
- Sat 10:00AM-Midnight.
- Sunday, 10:00AM-???