Dungeons and Dragons
- Details TBA! Regulators will be returning!
Magic the Gathering!!!
- Time: pick-up throughout, MTG: Commander, Card Game, GM John Kanost.
MTG by Save Point
- Saturday January 17th, 05:30PM, MTG EDH Tournament, Free, $15 Store Credit for winner for Save Point.
- Sunday January 18th, 12:00PM, MTG Prerelease Sealed, Fee 25.00, 3 packs/player.
- Sunday January 18th, 04:30PM, MTG Prerelease Sealed Fee $25.00, 3 packs/player.
Steve Jackson Games Demos
- 10:00AM through 6:00PM, Munchkin! Open Demos, all participants will receive a promo
and earn points towards our Come and Go Contest, GM Julie Hatfield.
From the GM: Come and Go Munchkin! Contest: Participants of Munchkin Demos will earn points based upon the levels they get in each game of Munchkin they play. With the person who earns the most points by 6:00PM will earn a special prize. - 10:00AM until Noon, Open Demos of any available games; Revolution, Nanuk, Illuminati, Frag, Ogre, Chez Geek, Munchkin!, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Chupacabre, Munchkin Quest, Loot Letter, GM Ryan Dusharm.
- 1:00PM through 3:00PM, OGRE, GM Ryan Dursham.
- 3:00PM through 5:00PM, Revolution! Blackmail the printer. Threaten the innkeeper. Bribe the priest. Welcome to Revolution!, GM Ryan Dusharm.
- 5:00M through 7:00PM, FRAG, "If it moves, shoot it.", GM Ryan Dusharm.
- 7:00PM-9:00PM Open Demos.
Munchkin! Tournament by Save Point
- Monday January 19th, 07:00PM, Munchkin! Tournament, No Entry Fee, GM Save Point, Prize: $20 Store Credit for Winner for Save Point.
Star Fleet Battles Universe
- 6:00pm Fed Com Demo
- 8:00pm Starmada Demo
- 11:00am Fed Com Demo
- 12:00pm Star Fleet Marines: Raid On Rickerbee
- 2:00pm Fed Com Scenario: Mercy Or Death
- 4:00pm Fed Com Demo
Cards Against Humanity
- Saturday January 17th, 7:00PM, Cards Against Humanity, Card Game, 3-20(ish) Players, GM Traci Murray.
- Sunday January 18th, 7:00PM Cards Against Humanity, Card Game, 3-20(ish) Players, GM Traci Murray.
- Monday January 19th, 7:00PM Cards Against Humanity, Card Game, 3-20(ish) Players, GM Traci Murray.
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
- Saturday January 17th, 10:00AM Tiny Epic Kingdoms, Boardgame, 2-5 players, GM Marie Mortimer.
- Sunday January 18th, 10:00AM Zombiecide, Boardgame, up to 6 players, GM Marie Mortimer.
Bond-a-thon 2.0: The Search for New Villains
- Sunday January 18th, 2:00PM, Before I Kill You Mr. Bond, Card Game, GM John W. Sergott, Jr.
- From the GM; "Bond-a-thon 2.0: The Search for New Villains. Compete for fame and fabulous prizes."
Frugal Mule Games Demos
- Demos all three days, Various games including "Before I Kill you Mr. Bond", R.P.M, Stoned and more.
- Saturday January 17th, 7:00PM, Descent, Boardgame 2-5 Players, GM Matthew Caylor.
- Delve into the darkest recesses of the dungeon and fight through the monsters, traps and other perils to succeed in your quest. Take on the role of a mighty fighter, a quick witted thief, a master spell caster and other classic character types in this cooperative dungeon crawl. Defeat the mastermind with 3 of your friends and claim your victory.
Zombie 15
- Sunday January 18th, 10:00AM, Board Game, 4 players, GM Matthew Caylor.
- A plague has swept the world, leaving everyone over the age of 18 as a zombie. Now, you and 3 other friends must band together and fight your way through the homes and streets of your former town to find find safety. Run through multiple 15-minute scenarios in this fast paced game while a companion soundtrack continuously summons more undead to block your path.
King of Tokyo
- Saturday January 17th, 10:OOAM, King of Tokyo, Boardgame, up to 6 Players, GM John Kanost.
- Also with or after King of Tokyo -> King of New York, Boardgame, up to 6 Players, GM John Kanost.
- The two games may be run together or separately.
- Monday pick up games possible, GM John Kanost.
Sheriff of Nottingham
- Sunday January 18th, 3:00PM Boardgame, 2-5 Players, GM John Kanost.
- An exciting game of bluffing, bribery, and negotiations!
- Monday pick up games possible, GM John Kanost.
7 Wonders
- Saturday January 17th, 3:00PM, 7 Wonders, Card Game, 2-7 Players, GM John Kanost.
- Monday pick up games possible, GM John Kanost.
Sentinels of the Multiverse
- Monday January 19th, 10:30AM, Card Game, 1 to 5 Players, GM John Kanost.
Ticket to Ride
- Monday January 19th, 3:00PM, Board Game, 2 to 5 Players, GM John Kanost.
- Saturday January 17th, Noon, Pathfinder, Roleplaying, GM Sean Kennedy.
- From the GM "Every person gets a cyborg stats straight from the technology book that was recently released. It's going to be a ancient technology mini campaign."
Artemis, Spaceship Bridge Simulator
- Saturday January 17th, by signup, Artemis, SpaceshipBridge Simulator, GM Amanda shafer.
Chicken run and other Childrens Games
- Throughout weekend when Erica is available - Chicken Run and other childrens games, GM Erica Strang.
Puerto Rico
- Saturday January 17th, 10:30AM, Boardgame, 2-5 Players, GM Barry Kirk.
- Saturday January 17th, 2:00PM, Boardgame, 2-5 Players, GM Barry Kirk.
- Possible pickup games as well.
Settlers of Catan, Star Trek Edition
- Saturday January 17th, 4:00 PM, Catan, Star Trek, Boardgame, GM, 3-4 Players, GM Barry Kirk.
- Possible pickup games as well.
- Sunday January 18th, 10:00AM, Boardgame, up to 6 Players, GM Barry Kirk.
- Possible pickup games as well.
- Time TBA, Cardgame, 2-4 Players, Barry Kirk.
Time Warp Vortex
- On signup, Time Warp Vortex, Roleplaying, GM Trevor Murray.
- From the GM "TimewarpVortex: The easy-to-follow universal role-playing system made to
make sense out of games. From zombie survival horror hosted on a space station, to the lands of sorcerers and swashbucklers, this game has it all covered with deceptively simple rules. The depth of character creation and design will make any player happy, but there will be a sci-fi demo of a scenario where science and magic clash in space!"
"Super Mega Ultra Robot Force!" - Pilot your giant robot into battle against the do-badders of the world in this anime-style game scenario brought to life in the easy to grasp and fun to play TwV system!
"All You Can Eat Buffet!" - Come to a space station to relax and dine... but when something horrible goes wrong, how will you escape the calamity? Only wit and a good aim for the head will get you out of this mess. Keep your allies close, and your enemies eaten.
Fairy Meat
- Saturday January 17th, 5:00PM, Fairy Meat, GM Eric Bluntzer.
- Sunday, January 18th, 5:00PM, Spartacus, GM Eric Bluntzer.
Through the Ages
- Monday, January 19th, 10:00AM, Through the Ages, GM Eric Bluntzer.
Save Point Demos and Other Events
- Noon 12:00PM, 12:30PM, 1:00PM, 1:30PM, 2:00PM, X-wing Demo, Free Starter Giveaway at 05:00PM.
- 02:30PM, 3:00PM Sushi Go! Demo.
- 03:30PM, 4:00PM, 4:30PM, 5:00PM, Ascension Demo, Free Starter Giveaway at 05:00PM.
- 06:00PM,6:30PM, 7:00PM, 7;30PM, Boss Monster Demo, Free Starter giveaway at 09:00PM.
- 08:00PM, 8:30PM, 9:00PM, 9:30PM, Keyflower Demo.
- 10:00PM, 10:30PM, Falling! Demo.
- 1:00PM, 1:30PM, 2:00PM, 2:30PM, X-wing Demo, Free Starter Giveaway at 05:00PM.
- 03:00PM, 3:30PM, Kittens in a Blender.
- 05:30PM, Checkers Tournament!, No Entry Fee, Prize: $10.00 Store Credit for Winner for Save Point.
- 06:00PM, 6:30PM, 7:00PM, 7:30PM, 8:00PM Conquest Demo.
- 08:30PM, Zombie Dice off Tournament, No Entry Fee, Prize: Free copy of Game Giveaway at 10:00PM.
- 09:00PM, 9:30PM, 10:00PM, 10:30PM, Takenoko Demo.
- 01:30PM, 2:00PM, 2:30PM, 3:00PM Andriod Demo.
Space Cadet: Dice Duel, Introduction
- Saturday, January 17th, 10:00AM, Tabletop, Introductory, 4-8 Players, GM Steve Osmanksi.
Firefly, the Board Game
- Saturday, January 17th, 2:00PM, Boardgame, all expansions, 1-4 players, GM Steve Osmanski.
Space Cadets: Dice Duel, Tournament
- Sunday, January 18th 10:00AM, Tabletop, Tournament, 4-8 Players, GM Steve Osmanski.
Fleet Commander
- Time: Open play, Boardgame, 2 Players, GM Steve Osmanski.
Star Wars, Edge of Empire
- Sunday, January 18th 2:00PM, Rolepalying, GM Thomas Jurney.
Dessert Contest!!!
- No entry fee.
- Gift Certificate for the winner, num nums for everyone! Winner receives a certificate for paid entry to either Gamers of Summer 2015 or Gamers of Winter 2016!
- Time: Saturday, January 17th 6:00PM .
General Rules:
1. On Saturday January 17th submit your entry prior to judging at 6:00PM.
2. Entry should be shareable among more than five persons to allow for sampling by Judges and feeding hungry gamers later...
3. Notify us with a card attached/next to the entry for contents of the that might be allergy stuff like peanuts etc - entrants are responsible for their entry content.
4 Refrigeration NOT provided.
5. AFTER judging is complete entries are shared with hungry gamers...
6. Judges will be recruited from non-participants during the day Saturday. Volunteering to be a Judge for this contest does not count as "volunteer time"...
7. Anything not covered under these rules falls under the discretion of the convention and appointed Judges.
HINT: Gamer or Game themed has usually been a big plus with the randomly generated Judges during past events...