Below are pictures from various events and times.
Warhammer 40K Fantasy!
- Event #1, 1:00PM-4:00PM Saturday 16 January 2010. Rich from the Adventurers Guild in Harrisburg ran Warhammer 40K Demos on Saturday!
Og! The Caveman Role Playing Game
- Event #2, Sunday, January 17th 1:00PM, OG! Charles from That Game Place will be running this unique and fun RPG! Character generation for and introduction to the game at 1:00PM followed by gaming session at 2:00PM.
- Event #5, Munchkins (alternate versions available) GM: Erica Strang. Erica ran Munchkins multiple times Saturday and multiple times Sunday with another session on Monday!
Star Fleet Universe
- Event #8, Star Fleet Battles Sanctioned tournament. Tournament runs throughout the convention. Paul Franz will be running this event!
- Event #9, Federation Commander scenario and demos! Demos ran throughout the convention. Paul Franz will be running this event!
Ad Astra Games
- Event #12, Ad Astra Games Demos, Special Guest Ken Burnside ran demos for Ad Astra Games all weekend!
D&D 4.0 Living Forgotten Realms
You can sign up for events like this at Warhorn through the Regulators.
Not already involved in LFR and don't have a character? Don't worry - there will be some classic characters on hand and ready for you to use in the event!
For more information on the Living Forgotten Realms click here -> Living Forgotten Realms! (but please note the sign up requirements above)
- Event #21, 10:00AM-3:00PM Saturday 16 January, Living Forgotten Realms, GM's TBA
- Event #22, 4:00PM-9:00PM Saturday 16 January, Living Forgotten Realms, GM's TBA
- Event #23, 10:00AM-3:00PM Sunday 16 January, Living Forgotten Realms, GM's TBA
- Event #24, 4:00PM-9:00PM Sunday 16 January, Living Forgotten Realms, GM's TBA
Looney Labs!
- Event #25, Looney Labs Demos! GM Timothy Eller ran Demos over most of the weekend.
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot
- Event #27, 9:00AM-Noon, Saturday January 16th, Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot, GM John Kanost.
- Event #28, 1:00PM, Saturday January 16th, Titan, GM John Kanost. There were multiple pickup games of Titan over the weekend including Monday Morning.
Time Warp Vortex RPG
- Event #29, Saturday January 16th, Time Warp Vortex Demos All Day, GM Trevor Murray.
- Event #30, 4:00PM, Sunday January 17th, Time Warp Vortex Demos, GM Trevor Murray.
- Event #33, Monday January 18th, Time Warp Vortex Demos All Day, GM Trevor Murray.
Call of Cthulhu by Author CJ Henderson
- Event #31, Sunday January 17th 4:00PM. Custom Scenario GM: Author CJ Henderson. You and your fellow officers will be investigating a mysterious disappearance in 1920s New York City. Solve the case in two hours time ... or DIE!
Board Games!
- Event #32, Sunday, January 17th, Noon to 8PM Jasmine from That Game Place will be running, "Ticket to Ride: Europe", "Smallworld" and "Attika" all day from Noon into the evening! 5 Players per session, gaming sessions start as players fill the table!