The trains ran on time! All GM's who commited arrived to run their games and the players who came out had a blast with both the scheduled and unscheduled events! No snags in the registration process and even the weather was wonderful! We had a huge amount of swag to give out to our attendees and volunteers!

The items in the back row and most of the second row in the picture came from Rich at the Adventurers Guild with Steve Jackson Games adding the front row full of Munchkins accessories and several games! Also Lone Wolf Development sent multiple copies of their newest software for augmenting your gaming experience!

The first players on Saturday to leave (without being scheduled to return) got their shot at the Swag table! The two gentleman came from Hazleton while the lovely Jessica popped up from Shippensburg.
Valentines Day Special! "Geeks Seeking Same"
- Event #31 Speed dating, Saturday 14 February. Fee: $5.00 per person per participated starting time. Starting time's are 9:00AM, 10:00AM, 11:00AM and we'll run another at 6:00PM. Based on demand we may expand this event to additional start times. Find that special gamer geek! Or not... you know how it goes and stuff... Preregistration encouraged for this event.
Pirate's Cove"(Days of Wonder) and "Downfall of Pompeii" (Mayfair Games) Tournaments!
- Event #32 Sunday 15 February - 9AM until finished - "Pirate's Cove"(Days of Wonder) or "Downfall of Pompeii" (Mayfair Games) Tournament GM Larry Lingle.
- Event #33 Monday 15 February - 9AM until finished - "Pirate's Cove"(Days of Wonder) or "Downfall of Pompeii" (Mayfair Games) Tournament GM Larry Lingle.
"Ticket to Ride" Tournaments!
- Event #34 Saturday 15 February - 9AM until 11:55PM - "Ticket to Ride Tournament" up to 16 players GM Steve Shambeda.
- Event #35 Monday 15 February - 4PM until 5:55PM - "Ticket to Ride Tournament" up to 16 players GM Steve Shambeda.
"Union Pacific"
- Event #47 Sunday 15 February - Noon - "Union Pacific" up to 16 players GM Fred Minard.

Star Fleet Universe
- Throughout the Convention Paul Franz will run demos for Federation Commander. Learn how to play a fast paced exciting game of space combat from the Star Fleet Universe. 1 on 1 demos anytime during the convention.
- Event #25 Star Fleet Battles Tournament. $5.00 entry fee, Tournament starts at 9:00AM on Saturday the 14th, Semifinals 9:00AM Sunday, Finals 1:00PM Sunday. Top player cash prize TBA onsite.
- Event #24 1:00 PM Daily - SFB Scenario "Black Hole Mania"!
CAR WARS-athon!
Saturday and Sunday
- 8AM to 10AM Road Duelling Sessions. Challenge the guy who doesn't know how to use a turn signal to a duel to the death on the freeways of the future. Winners may salvage their kills-- and will gain valuable prestige if the match is televised by a local news copter. (Note: this is the perfect scenario to learn the game with. Experienced duellists will be on hand to teach you the rules of the road, but do stick around and pit your character against other duellists in the 10AM arena duel!)
- 10AM to 12PM "Amateur Night" Session! Launch your new character on a gritty post-apocalyptic track to fame and fortune. Gates will reopen after 30 seconds. You may keep your car if you can drive it out. The last duellist in a car that can both move and fire will have his car completely repaired by the arena mechanics. Duellists win $500 (in game money only, not real cash) per kill they score.
- 1PM to 2PM More Road Duelling! New players can learn the rules and get a full game in before the 2PM event. Experienced duellists can settle grudges without those pesky AADA restrictions getting in the way...
- 2PM to 4PM Divisionals! Pro duellists compete for the big money in the world famous Double Drum arena in Waco, Texas. Saturday will feature a Division 5 event and Sunday will be Division 10. It's every man for himself as every driver strives to be in the last drivable vehicle in the arena! Duellists win a cash prize (in game money only, not real cash) based on the total value of the vehicles competing.
- 4PM to 6PM Role Playing Adventure! Autoduellists try to make ends meet by taking odd jobs as couriers, escorting convoys, and hiring on as mercenaries. Do you have what it takes to become an ace? Or will you crash and burn...?
- 8AM to 10AM Road Duelling Sessions. Fire your heavy rockets at the idiot that doesn't know how to merge onto an interstate! Winners may salvage their kills-- and will gain valuable prestige if the match is televised by a local news copter. (Note: this is the perfect scenario to learn the game with. Experienced duellists will be on hand to teach you the rules of the road, but do stick around and pit your character against other duellists in the big 10AM arena duel!)
- 10PM to 12PM Division 15 Action! Pro duellists compete for the big money in a Division 15 duel at the world famous Double Drum arena in Waco, Texas. It's every man for himself as every driver strives to be in the last drivable vehicle in the arena! Duellists win a cash prize (in game money only, not real cash) based on the total value of the vehicles competing.
M.Foner's Games 5ETC Designers
Monday February 16th, 12 Noon, A Game About the Pennsylvania Underground Railroad, 3 to 5 players, 1 to 2 hours, 1st place wins copy of the "24 Game", 2nd place receives certificate.
- Monday February 16th, 2:45PM, Demo Game: "Civil Rights: Breaking the Chains of Discrimination:1940-1970", 3 to 5 players, 1 to 2 hours.
- Monday February 16th, 5:30PM Demo Game: "Fast Food Rat Race Parts: 1,3a and 12" 3 to 5 players, 1 to 2 hours.
Scrabble with Sue
- Event #36 Sunday February 15th, 6:PM, Scrabble! Up to 4 players per game box set. 1 Game Set provided for use, bring your set own for more players.
- Event #37 Monday February 16th, 6:PM, Scrabble! Up to 4 players per game box set. 1 Game Set provided for use, bring your set own for more players.
"Munchkins!" with Gretchen
- Event #15 Sunday February 15th, 2:00PM, come out and either learn to play or just have fun playing one of the hottest funnest games around today; Steve Jackson Games "Munchkins!"...

Looney Labs with Angela
- EVENT #40 2:00PM Saturday 14th February, "Are you a Werewolf?" by Looney Labs, supported by That Game Place".

Magic the Gathering
- Event #41 4:00 PM Saturday 14th February, "Magic the Gathering". Five ready to go starter packs for five players. Players get to keep their decks. Decks donated by Pastimes on the Square located in Palmyra PA.

Open Gaming

Charity Events
- Event #26, No Limit Holdem, SAT at 1:00PM.
- Event #27, HORSE, SUN at 1:00PM.
- Event #28, NL Omaha, MON at 1:00PM.

Film Room!
- Geekin' Genre - Comedy, Romance - Rating "PG-13" in keeping with the Valentines Day theme for Saturday we present - A tale of Geekin' wuv among a the soap opera of gaming group of geeks! Starts at 8:00PM Saturday OR immediately following completion of Poker Tournament. Filmmakers Homepage
- Dark Ops Genre - Sci-Fi - Rating "G" - One ship can save mankind! Starts at 8:00PM Sunday OR immediately following completion of Poker Tournament.Filmmakers Homepage