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Gamers of Summer 2010

Gamers of Winter 2010

Gamers of Summer 2009


Generally Acceptable Submissions are: Headshots, Resumes, Scripts and Project Proposals. Subsmissions are generally kept on file and reviewed as applicable for each project.

Submitting headshots and resumes for actors:

PCP accepts headshots and resumes for screentest consideration and future reference. Generally to be cast expect to come in for a screentest and most likely at least one series of callbacks.

Mail Headshots and/or Resumes to:

Pocket Change Productions
ATTN: Casting
P.O. Box 62063
Harrisburg, PA


For questions regarding casting check out the Auditions Page and for anything not answered there email Casting. We prefer hardcopy mailings for our files, Thanks!

Submitting technical resumes and portfolios:

PCP is currently accepting resumes and portfolios for technicians and artists of all types.

Mail resumes and portfolios to:

Pocket Change Productions
ATTN: Productions
P.O. Box 62063
Harrisburg, PA


For questions email Production. We do prefer hardcopy mailings for our files, Thanks!

Submitting Works for future project consideration:

PCP currently accepts outside works to consider for future projects as well as project proposals. Screenplays or Plays are both acceptable. Standard industry format should be followed. PCP will not use a submitted work without the written permission of the Author after selection. PCP does not guarentee that any given Submission will be chosen for development into a project and will not return submitted materials.

Mail Scripts or Project Proposals to:

Pocket Change Productions
ATTN: Project submissions
P.O. Box 62063
Harrisburg, PA


For questions about submitting potential projects email Production. We prefer hardcopy mailings for our files, Thanks!